Lawn-Mat Lawn Care Services – Buy American – American Workers Only at Lawn-Mat Lawn Care Services
Times are tough in this ever sinking recession and greater depression for all Americans. We have never and never will hire illegal aliens to work for Lawn-Mat Lawn Care Services. Although illegal aliens provide hardworking, skilled, and cheap labor, as is the norm in this industry. We take a stand, although costing the same or a tad more, you can rest assured in knowing that you are putting food on the table for hardworking, highly skilled, professional American workers!

Most of our workers are high school young adults in the community, who are making more than they would at the mall or other corporate minimum wage establishments. Others are working through college to better themselves and bring more to the community.
Happy Birthday America!
So, Put your money where you mouth is and Buy American and keep America strong. You might have to pay a little more, but America is winning in the long-run. Do what is right and support hard working Americans.
Be sure to ask us about Military Discounts, we support our troops.